A while ago I had a brief discussion of the existence of
Troll`s and a suggestion, that there could be similarities between troll`s and
Neanderthals. From what I have learned
myself about Neanderthals they have largely been misinterpreted by people
outside of academe, I think the same can be said about troll`s! Often labelled as brutish creatures of low
intelligence, which I believe to be wrong. You only have to look at stone tool
assemblages to see that a fairly sophisticated tradition was in use. these are creatures who live among natural
habitats using what they need. And
being part of nature unlike humans who act above nature, and take unnecessarily.
Im my own stories of Trolls they are protecting the
forests from the unprecedented attack from people on their ancient homelands,
they simply want to be left alone without interference from folk. What is it with the human trait of
interfering with what does not concern them?
Trolls lead a holistic natural way of life, I think Neanderthals may
have been similar. When the first Homo
Sapiens appeared they seem to be more aggressive than their counter parts who
have been suggested were more docile, this has also been suggested why Homo
Sapiens endured being more cunning.
Although not as robust and strong, they adapted to a changing
environment that Neanderthals appeared to have not. This is were I think it becomes really interesting, was their
warfare between the two groups?
Obviously it would be difficult to interpret, and would go down the
subjective route of discussion. And there may be many ambiguities in looking at
sites, where both groups were present.
My main question is were Neanderthals wrongly explained, and they were
in fact Trolls? Clive Gamble talks
about the folk traditions of Yetis and Almas, why not then the tradition of
trolls? After all the tales of trolls goes back a long way in Scandinavian
folklore, Terry Pratchett mentioned “What makes us human” this was in
discussion about Xmas and our human need to believe things of otherness. So with tales of fantastical creatures and
beasts there must be some truth in them?
I feel that there is a desire to relay stories about otherworldly
creatures, is it just our imagination that takes us off to another place with
these tales. I feel there must be some
basis of truth through a vague oral tradition that trolls did at some stage
exist, and with more scientific research there may have been an evolutionary
strain that was the troll. In Johanna
Sinisalo book “Not Before Sundown” mentions an interesting point, “Because of
their great outward resemblance to humans or apes, trolls were originally mistaken
for close relatives of the hominids; but further study has demonstrated that
the case is one of convergent evolution”
So could there be different types of trolls over time, as
they are believed to be long-lived creatures?
From the stories I have read reveal an almost reclusive type of creature,
and that they live in remote areas away from humans. And their numbers of populations would be small if they did walk
this earth; in scattered groups in the remote parts of the earth, I would like
to believe that this is so. Maybe
through anecdotal or oral histories more can be revealed, or perhaps
archaeological evidence may become apparent in the future. I think smaller
groups would fit this model especially if they do live among us today, they
would have characteristics that would surely vary between trolls? In their
behaviour within these groups and how they behave amongst one another, I wonder
if in all the stories whether this can be deciphered? I find this whole
phenomenon fascinating I just hope and believe that there is some truth in the
things I have discussed above.
One last point I would like to make is the collection of
folk tales. Asbjørnsen Moe collected stories in the nineteenth century, but
what lies before this? From the depths
of time is there something more tangible evidence from these oral traditions;
we also have The Kalevala that Elias Lönnrot who collected this story from
various parts of Finland, which has a very long oral tradition. With all these folktales I believe that
there must be something that has a physical past. Through the murk of time, and that these stories in certain
contexts did exist in some sense of a real past.
Clive Gamble The Peopling of Europe 700, 000-40,000 Years
Before Present. The Oxford Illustrated Prehistory of Europe Ed Barry Cunnliffe.
Oxford University Press 1994
Johanna Sinisalo, Not Before Sundown. Peter Owen London
Norwegian Folktales Selected From The Collection of Peter
Christen Asbjørnsen And Jørgen Moe Pantheon Books New York.
Oxford World Classics The Kalevala An Epic Poem After Oral
Tradition By Elias Lönnrot, Translated By Keith Bosley. Oxford University Press 2008
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